Some Sketches made by Me

 It's been quite a long time since I've last made any posts here. It was solely because I was trying to finish up my course works. And then life got in the way and I got too busy for anything. But then again I should've made some posts.

Sorry about that to everyone who followed me till now.

I don't know yet if I can post every week. But I would at least try to post more frequently. 

As an apology, I'll post a few designs and artworks that I've finished up recently.

I hope everyone will enjoy them.


 It describes 'Yin and Yang'. However, this is not a perfect Yin and Yang, as it is broken from the middle. They are unable to connect. This fact makes them into two separate entities who are doomed to remain imperfect forever.

Probity and Violation:

It is mostly showing how the innocent gets violated by the greedy in society. The design in the left-hand corner depicts a swan sitting over a lotus and the eye inside the flames is the symbol representing the greedy, lusty predators of society. The eye which is white at the top left represents our uncaring society. The eye is in white because society pretends to be virtuous and just while it ignores the plea and cries of helpless victims.


It is the face of an owl. I just drew it cause it looked so majestic and wise.

It doesn't have any Name as it is something I just threw together. The face is just the face of a person and the poem is a kind of pastiche of Carol Ann Duffy's poem " Standing Female Nude".
It is one of my favorite poems by Duffy. And I always felt that the lines I just wrote are something that represents all Women who had been suppressed by society(prostitutes, 'low born', women abandoned by family, etc.) through centuries, and can never dream of leading a free life.


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