Written in the scars - Adriana Locke

'...I loved her. That's never been a question. It's making life work around the love that's hard'
Okay, so I just finished Written in the scars by Adriana Locke and lets say that I'm kind of shocked by it's ending. It has quite an unusual end, something which I never could have imagined much less see happening.
Ty the male protagonist of the story just could not take life one day anymore and left his wife Elin. He thought that life has no ups and downs or that he and she would never have to face harsh realities. I don't know how he thought that life would be a fairytale with him being the proverbial prince and Elin the proverbial princess. Elin's character in contrast to Ty is way more mature and strong. She is justified in her fury. Seriously you all tell me how can a girl trust a person who just up and left when one day things got tough?
And his excuse that he did it for her is just too much to take! I mean get real ! That's something everyone says before breaking up or divorce. The fact that their friend circle(which consisted of mostly guys) supported Ty when Elin protested by filing for a divorce felt a lot like patriarchal suppression to me.
Another fact which felt unreal was that Elin gave in too quickly, it suits the story but it seems forced. The story however is more or less quite heart wrenching and beautiful. I at least needed lots of tissues. The moments between Elin and Ty were just filled with too much angst. It is written very graphically so much so that the readers will be able to feel the feelings that the characters are going through. The incident in the mine was heart breaking and described so vividly that it had me poised on edge with anxiety and anticipation. I could not read it fast enough. I finished it at one go. Believe me this was worth one sleepless night. Though I'm still very emotional from it. I think I'll need a long time to get over it. Their agonising journey to mend a broken marriage and finding themselves again and falling in love anew is sure to tug at anyone's heartstrings. The ending will make a person look at life very differently and make them value the time given to us in this world.
This story made me realise that only love is not enough. As we grow older we change and with that our love also needs to mature, it is not always possible to hold onto it bit if we truly love someone then they need to let it grow. After all it is only love that can make things better. Here is another favourite quote  of mine from this book -
'You can't expect a relationship to succeed based on the love you felt at the beginning. It succeeds because you continue to build on it until the end...your heart will be more scarred than your back by the end of your lifetime. That is if you live the right way.'
Here is the purchase link


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